segunda-feira, 7 de maio de 2018

Avaliação da Directiva Máquinas 2006/42/EC

Publicado hoje pela Comissão Europeia, este guia apresenta o estudo de avaliação que foi efectuado com a colaboração de muitas partes interessadas e que demosntra os enormes benefícios que a publicação e adopção da Directiva Máquinas trouxe para a indústria e para o mercado europeu.

Link: aqui

"The overall conclusion is that the Directive is generally relevant, effective, efficient, coherent and has EU added value. However, a need for greater legal clarity of some of its provisions and better coherence with other legislation has been identified. In addition, the evaluation indicated that shortcomings in monitoring and enforcement of the Directive have affected its effectiveness. It further detected some administrative requirements that affect the efficiency of the directive and could be simplified. The evaluation shows that the Directive, underpinned by the New Approach principles, is sufficiently flexible to allow technological developments in a digital era.  Yet, new innovations in digitisation may test Directive's effectiveness and fitness for purpose going forward."

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