Esta importante conferência decorreu nos passados dias 18 a 21 na Ilha Terceira dos Açores, subordinada ao tema “Education Excellence for Sustainability”
Os tópicos da conferência foram:
• Open and Online Engineering Education
• Engineering Education Research
• Curriculum Development
• Continuing Engineering Education and Lifelong Learning
• Mathematics and Engineering Education
• Gender and Diversity • Physics and Engineering Education
• Attractiveness of Engineering Education
• Sustainability and Engineering Education
• Quality Assurance and Accreditation
• Skills and Engineering Education
• Ethics and Engineering Education
Cláudia Fernandes (CATIM), Luís Rocha (CATIM) e Ben Charles (Jaguar Land Rover) apresentaram o poster acima intitulado "Lifelong learning for the development of industrially oriented engineering skills: 4x4InSchools Project".
Lifelong learning is a key factor for the development of a sustainable workforce. Recognized qualifications, such as engineering, alongside with transversal skills enhance individual employability. The authors aim to explore the rationale of one outof-school and hands-on program, Project 4x4InShools (4x4IS), as one of the pillars for the development of engineering and technical skills aiming to develop a positive vision of industrial and technical careers. The long-term objective is to raise awareness and knowledge of industry, industrial processes and its impact on everyday life towards industry and future engineering or technical career development. Namely careers in the metalworking sector or related industrial clusters. 4x4IS it’s an international project with countries from five continents. This paper will focus on the Portuguese experience that encompasses youngsters from 15-18 years. The lack of qualified industrial technicians and engineers, and consequently the lack of a qualified workforce has been on the agendas of governments worldwide. This issue gets more pronounced since Europe faces an aging workforce. This work rests on the belief that the promotion of technical and industrial skills is an important tool for vocational education and lifelong learning in consideration for sustainable development practises. The “new” industry must compete by adding value to industrial processes and products. These assets are made possible by innovative engineering and countries with innovation inputs related to human resources training and development (engineering education) directly linked with higher competitiveness.
The 4X4IS main objective is to bring youngsters closer to industry, believing that everyone can make a difference for individuals, countries and economic prosperity.
Algumas notas de Cláudia Fernandes sobre o que se abordou nesta conferência:
- Ética na engenharia e os aspetos dos robos colaborativos (co-bots), carros autonomos, drones, etc. A decisão ética por parte das “máquinas” apresenta cada vez algoritmos mais complexos e de operacionalização questionável. Até que ponto se pode intervir na “programação e determinação” de “ação” para decidir por exemplo, “quem morre”.
- A segurança da informação também foi tratada como um dos aspetos emergentes na área da engenharia, nomeadamente tendo em conta o tipo de aplicações e de tratamento que se poderá fazer.
- Articulação entre instituições de educação formal e educação informal para respostas às solicitações do mercado e da indústria.
- Opinião de grupos de alunos de engenharia transmitida pela organização internacional BEST onde se focaram nas diferentes perceções dos alunos e dos professores/tutores.
- A discussão das competências e do papel da aprendizagem ao longo da vida.
- O papel dos métodos e técnicas de ensino/transmissão de informação
- A atratividade das carreiras ligadas à engenharia e a promoção de competências STEM foram abordadas em diversas sessões de posters.