quinta-feira, 25 de outubro de 2012

4º Workshop on Efficency and Productivity Analysis

É no próximo dia 29, segunda-feira, na Universidade Católica, no Porto.
Dr. Nuno Aráujo do CATIM e o Dr. Leonardo Costa da FEG / UCP apresentarão a comunicação: "The Productivity of Innovation in Portugal".

"Innovation in Portuguese Small and Medium Enterprises (SME’s) has motivated this research. SME’s engage in innovation processes as a way to conquer competitive advantages.
In this research innovation is seen as a productive correspondence, with outputs and inputs of innovation production.
Based on the Union Scoreboard 2010 report data, we compare the productivity of innovation across the twenty seven Member States of the European Union (EU-27), having a particular focus on Portugal"
                                                                                                                      Nuno Araújo / Leornardo Costa


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