terça-feira, 27 de abril de 2021

Substituição da Diretiva Máquinas - proposta de Regulamento

A Comissão Europeia apresentou no passado dia 21, a Proposta de Regulamento relativa às Máquinas, o qual irá substituir a atual Diretiva Máquinas.

"The Machinery Directive is the core European legislation regulating products of the mechanical engineering industries. The staff working document, SWD(2018)160, details the conclusion of the Machinery Directive's performance evaluation. 

The evaluation shows that the directive is relatively flexible to technological developments in the digital era, thanks to its 'new approach' underpinnings. Furthermore, it is generally relevant, effective, efficient, coherent and has EU added value.

However, some of its provisions require better legal clarity and improved coherence with other legislation. Several administrative requirements that affect the Directive's efficiency could also use simplification. Finally, the evaluation indicates that the directive's effectiveness has been affected by shortcomings in monitoring and enforcement. The revision process is currently ongoing."

Mais informações sobre este importante processo: aqui

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