Na sequência da submissão de um artigo científico no âmbito
do trabalho de investigação no projeto TechParts I&D, os investigadores do consórcio Luís Basto, Cláudia Pires (CATIM) e a Professora Isabel
Lopes (U.Minho), irão apresentar as conclusões obtidas na conferência TE2018 (The 25th
International Conference on Transdisciplinary Engineering), de 3 a 6 de julho,
em Modena, Itália.
Approach for preventive maintenance planning of machine
R. Piresa,b,[1], I.S. Lopesa, L.P. Bastoa
ALGORITMI Research Centre, University of Minho Campus de
Azurém 4800-058 Guimarães, Portugal
Abstract. This paper addresses a common problem to
manufacturing companies: the maintenance of machine tools and their components.
Preventive maintenance has always been a great challenge for companies, due to
the need of predicting failures or production shutdowns, which requires
knowledge and resources. However, the planning of machine tools maintenance
presents itself as an even more complex problem due to the distinct lifetimes
of their components. Age-based preventive replacement and Block replacement
models define optimal replacement intervals for one item based on associated
maintenance costs. A machine tool can be seen as a serial system of components
or items. The concepts of group
technology and clustering can be used to group components together in order to
define common preventive maintenance intervals and reduce the number of
production stops. In the literature, some contributions are found. However, the
defined groups are static as well as the preventive maintenance intervals. This
paper presents a conceptual model for the definition of dynamic clusters and
intervals. It also presents an application to record the inputs, data collected
in real time, needed to group components and set up preventive maintenance
intervals. The developed application is being implemented in a metalworking
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